Sunday, June 19, 2011

Reflections on Weddings

I love weddings. Two people, standing at the altar in front of their family and friends (or friends who ARE family, which is even better), gazing lovingly into each other's eyes, promising to love and honor and cherish. No matter what. Sickness or health, riches or poverty, better or worse. Ah, the endless hope of it all. It totally recharges the batteries of my romance-o-meter and makes me nostalgic for that time long ago when everything was new and fresh, and the bloom was still on the rose.

From this side of life, looking back, I realize that I had no idea what I was getting into. And that's a good thing, really. Imagine starting out with the knowledge of all the good things and not-so-good things coming your way. Nope. Much better to start out with stars in your eyes and hope in your heart and nothing to mar the beautiful, flower-lined, hearts-and-roses road ahead. The bumps will come soon enough, and then the commitment you made will be the glue that holds the relationship together until more good times arrive.

A lifetime of happiness is what we all sincerely wish the newlyweds will experience. A lifetime of growing closer and closer, more and more of one mind. Earnestly desiring the very best for each other, encouraging each other, loving each other. Hope springs eternal.

I must admit that as I watched your happiness and joy today, I looked at my man with fresh eyes. Starry eyes, and a bit teary, too. Yep. He's one handsome dude with devastatingly gorgeous baby blues. And I notice that my heart beats just a tiny bit faster as I remember that day long ago when we were the ones standing at the altar.

Congratulations and best wishes, you two! At the end of the road ahead, may you still gaze lovingly into each other's eyes, and may your hearts beat as one.

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